Friday, August 28, 2009

Still Sore

This week has flown by. I am still sore from my chest and back workout. Love it!

I had my Just Arms workout a couple of days ago. It went well. I am still not going with heavy weight, just getting my muscles use to this kind of strength training. I will go into more detail of my workouts once I get into my P90X regimen. I realized why I stopped doing this kind of training while training for triathlons and endurance sports. It would have just caused problems.

Today was yoga. Another lost friend. I can already feel my body getting looser and my flexibility getting greater. I always say I am going to keep yoga in my endurance training, but about halfway through the season, it falls to the wayside.

Tomorrow is my 50 mile bike. Can’t wait.

In good health,

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


As I slowly start getting back into my P90X routine, I am starting to remember just how sore I use to get. I did a light chest and back 2 days ago and I still can’t touch my chest without wincing. My arms are shot and my back is starting to ache a little. Ah, the joys of strength training. My 6 month routine starts September 30th. The first 3 months are going to be the hardest. I will be going very strict on my diet as well as lifting heavy. The second 3 months, I will taper a little as I get set for triathlon season.

So far this week, I also had a 40 mile bike and a 4 mile run. This was my first run since my tri 10 days ago. The run felt very clean. Breathing was good and so was my pace. I am going to be in maintenance mode for the next few months. More on that in the near future.

My ride was broken into two parts. 20 miles to work and 20 miles back home. I was not on the road bike, so my ride required a little more effort, yet my speed was still around 18mph. The wind was a little strong on the way home. My legs were not very happy about this.

Still to come this week…

Strength training, arms
50 mile bike

In good health,

Monday, August 24, 2009

R & R

This weekend was definitely something you won’t see to often. Me, completely relaxing. I took the entire weekend off. Minus a light bike on Sunday with the family, I did absolutely nothing exercise related. After the triathlons and half marathon, I needed it. Friday was a couple hours of basketball. No ankle issues there.

Today I will be doing a pseudo P90X Chest and Back workout. I will be using the next week to start getting use to the moves again. I am looking forward to it. I am also going to be doing a lot of cycling over the next few weeks. The century ride is approaching fast.

In good health,

Thursday, August 20, 2009


It has been 4 days since my last triathlon and I have yet to swim, bike or run. I will probably take a little more time off the swim and run, but will be back on the bike over the weekend.

I started back to lifting yesterday. Tony’s 1-on-1 Just Arms. Tony being the creator of P90X. It was a good way to get back into a strength routine. Speaking of strength, I definitely lost some over the past few months. My arms are pretty sore today. A good sore that has definitely been missed.

Today was yoga. Again, I lost some flexibility here. It felt good to get back into yoga as well. I dropped it over the past few months when it should have been left in my workout schedule.

Tomorrow is a couple hours of basketball. My first time back since rolling my ankle. Hopefully it goes well.

In good health,

Monday, August 17, 2009

It Is Done

The final triathlon of the year is done. Overall, it was a great race and I beat last years time on the same course by 6 minutes. I finished 169th out of 640 and came in 26th in my age group. I absolutely love this race and the location.


The dreaded Pleasant Prairie swim. A beautiful lake, 76 degree temperatures and the sun beating off the water as soon as you turn that first buoy. It is extremely hard to see. I started off great. I had a nice calm pace going. Swim was pretty tight out to the first buoy. A little contact here and there, but nothing to bad. I made the turn at the first buoy and completely lost sight of everything except the smoke stack that I was planning on keeping in front of me. I was going good and then my goggles fogged up to where I couldn’t see a thing. I kept pushing forward. I looked back every now and then, but didn’t see anything and nobody was around me. I started getting caught in the sea weed and thought that wasn’t a good sign. Finally, I decided to tread and remove my goggles. Thank the Lord I did. The turn buoy was directly to my right and only about 100 yards away. I put my goggles back on, but forgot to clean them. Then, in one of my more technical moments, I went into a side stroke removed the goggles, wiped the lenses and then swam hard to the finish. I beat last years time by 3 minutes. After the race, my friend who also did the race had a little issue in the swim as well. His being much worse. He made the first turn and was going along great until he started smelling gas and exhaust. He stopped and a guy in a boat right next to him was shouting, “BUDDY, YOU GOTTA GO WAY LEFT!!!” He was a good 3-5 minutes back to the buoy. Absolutely hilarious. I was still laughing about it today.


I still have yet to get a great transition. Maybe next year? It was a little bit of a run to my bike out of the water. Probably about a minute. Anyway, I don’t know. I am going to practice these next year.


I knew the course had some hills, but what I wasn’t planning on was the wind. I started off the bike not feeling good at all. I thought for sure it was going to be a crappy bike. After a few miles, I started feeling good. Then the wind and hills started coming into play. There were times I was down to 11mph, but I was also up to about 32mph. I rode my butt off, but not to the point where my legs were sacrificed. I knew I had a 6.2 mile run ahead of me and it was heating up. I finished 2 minutes plus ahead of last year.


Again, I need some work.


I was about ½ a mile into the run and knew it was going to be rough. It was way hot. I hate running in the heat. I couldn’t figure out how the temperature got so hot so early. Everyone around me was feeling it as well. I kept pushing. Taking one mile at a time. Towards the end, I was breaking it down into half mile segments. The fire department opened the hydrant and that was a welcomed relief. They also had a sprinkler going which was nice. Once I hit the 5 mile marker, I picked it up. I finished feeling terrible, but ahead of last years run by about 2 minutes.

The Numbers…

Total Time - 2:33:52
Swim - 32:52
T1 - 3:10
Bike - 1:06:52, 22.3mph
T2 - 2:41
Run – 48:18, 7:47 pace

In good health,

Thursday, August 13, 2009

3 More Days

Just a few days out from my triathlon. I am feeling pretty sore. My final three days are going to be rest and stretching. I want my legs to be fresh on Sunday. After Sunday, I am going to start on some P90X workouts and start biking 3 times a week. Every ride to be 40 miles plus. I have my Century up in about a month. I am going to take a week or two off of running and really give my ankle a chance to heal.

To go back to last weeks workout again. I am almost caught up.

1 mile swim
This was just straight laps. Again, nothing special. I wanted to just focus on form and breathing. This is my last swim before the tri. Both of my local pools are closing for cleaning.

2 hour kayak.
This was great. Only my second time out on the kayak this year. What a great workout. Only my wife and I on the river. We got a great burn and paddled the entire time.

22 mile bike/5 mile run (brick)
This was absolutely brutal. I started at 3pm and it was the hottest day of the year. Over 90 degrees. I was a puddle of sweat and felt like I was going to vomit for a half hour after finishing. The bike was ok, I finished at a little over 20mph. The run was tough. I didn’t wear my watch and just let my body guide my speed. I ran around the neighborhood so I was able to consistently run by my house and soke myself with the hose. I had to get the workout in.

In good health,

Monday, August 10, 2009

Season Winding Down

After a day of rest following the half marathon, I jumped right back into training for my final triathlon of the year. As I went through this week’s workouts, I started getting the craving to start lifting again. P90X will be back in a couple of weeks, so I need to stay focused on training for my final triathlon of the year.

I need to play catch up on my blog. It was a very busy week. I will break it down into three workout segments.

My first three workouts following the half marathon were as follows.

40 mile bike
This was me riding into work and then back home, so it was broken into two 20 mile rides. These rides are actually kind of tough. One, I am not on my road bike and two, I am carry a 15-20 pound pack on my shoulders. It finally dawned on me why my shoulders were so sore. Anyway, I keep up about an 18-19mph pace. It is definitely a good ride.

5 mile run
This was done and lunchtime and it was hot, about 85 degrees and sunny. My legs were still pretty sore from the ½ marathon. I got through the initial uncomfortable feeling and got into a nice pace. I was pouring a lot of water on my head along the way. I finished with a 7:29 pace.

20 mile bike
This was another ride into work. I didn’t have to ride home due to the wife picking me up for a night out. I took the road bike in this time. My ride was definitely faster. I kept a little over a 20 mph pace. This was perfect.

In good health,

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Half

Half Marathon is in the books and it was a great race. The weather was as good as can be for August, lower 60’s.

The pace started out slow due to the large number of participants, but started to open up a little around mile 4. I felt great. No ankle issues what so ever. My pace was around 7:30 and the only thing that was bothering me a little was my allergies. I forgot to wear my breath right strip. I was mad at myself for leaving it in the car. Oh well.

Around mile 9 I felt a little tightness in my heel and around my ankle. I decided to slow down the pace a little and not risk re-injuring the ankle. It was probably a smart move.

I finished the race in 1:42 on the button. A 7:47 pace. I was very happy with the results, especially since I hadn’t run more longer than 6 miles in 3 weeks.

Next up is my triathlon and it is less than 2 weeks away. I expect the ankle to be 100% by then.

In good health,