Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Things are still progressing slowly. As each week progresses, I know I am losing more endurance. I am trying to focus on the bigger picture and not let it get to me.

The weight training is going well. I am sticking with a mix of exercises from the P90X routines and throwing in some BOSU work. I am up to an hour on the bike which is good. I am keeping my fitness there. I am using the elliptical once a week and pushing myself. I am hoping this will help with the running endurance.

I have definitely lost a lot of my plyometric lungs. I performed some simple exercises at physical therapy and was winded on a few of the moves. This did not make me happy. I am up to 4.9 mph on the treadmill and it looks like I will be running at my next PT appointment. Yippy!!!

In good health,

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