Thursday, May 27, 2010

Brick #1

This week has had some challenging workouts. Between the wind and heat, I have gotten a little of everything.

The Brick
My first of the year! I knew this workout was going to be tough once I hit the run portion with temps in the 80’s. This was the most comfortable I have been on the bike to date. I got into a smooth rhythm right from the start. The 30 miles flew by. Up next was the 4 mile run. I forgot how crappy your legs feel when you start the run. First couple miles were ok, after that it got hot. Luckily I had enough fluid to dump on my head as well as drink. Overall, not bad. I still have some work to do.


Same as usual. Hand paddles with the pull buoy, kick drills with the zoomer fins, 1-arm drills, fist drills and speed drills. I am slowly building up the length of my swim drill days. I do not want to risk shoulder injury. The ankle has me all paranoid. This is the first time in my triathlon career that I have swam more than once a week and I want to do it right.

4 mile run
Another hot one. I went at a nice pace. Right between 8:30-9 minute miles. The ankle felt good. Slowly making progress with the injury. I am still not going to push it. I am going to keep this pace for at least another week.

Swim 1.2 miles
This was straight laps. After about 5 laps, I fell into a nice pace. Nothing spectacular to talk about here.

In good health,

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