Wednesday, April 28, 2010


30 mile bike
I had to keep this indoors on the trainer due to the weather. I worked my butt off. I averaged about 24 mph for the 30 miles. Yes, they are trainer miles, but they still produced a pool of sweat that leads me to believe that I burnt a ton of calories. Afterwards, I got a nice stretch in. My legs were a little sore from the previous days 5k, but nothing that didn’t loosen up after about 5 miles on the bike.

Strength Training
Well, this was my last strength training session until after race season. I think I have built up enough to get me through the next 3 months. The workout was all upper body and core, no legs involved. I worked semi-hard and moved fast from one set to the next. I am going to replace these workouts, with another day in the pool.

3 mile run
I have mentioned before that I am starting to feel a shin splint on my left calf. I am guessing this is from coming back to quickly from my ankle injury, as well as favoring the ankle when I first got back to running. The run was good. I mixed it up with some speed/hill intervals. I averaged 7:30 per mile. Unfortunately, I was forced to use the treadmill.

1 mile swim
Surprisingly, I felt strong in the pool. I thought it was going to be a so-so swim because I was still sore from my strength training session. This was the first time this year that I felt some gains in the pool. The mile was nonstop laps. Kind of boring, but the work needs to get done.

My midweek grade is a B-. I would have liked to been outside for my bike and run, but I can’t control the weather and it’s a little too cold for me to be running or biking in the rain so early in my training. This will change as the weather warms up.

In good health,

Sunday, April 25, 2010

A New Season

5k went well. A total time of 22:35, a 7:17 pace. I was right where I wanted to be.

Here is this week’s schedule:

Sunday – 30 mile bike
Monday – Strength Training
Tuesday – 3 mile run
Wednesday – Swim 30 laps
Thursday – 20 mile bike
Friday – Rest
Saturday – Run 8 miles (hills)

In good health,

Monday, April 19, 2010

A New Start

Now that PT is all done, I am in full triathlon training mode. Starting this weekend I will begin posting my schedule.

I have been progressing slowly. I think I may have done too much, too soon. I feel some shin splint pain. I need to keep an eye on that.

I am running twice a week, biking 2-3 times a week, swimming once and strength training once. P90X has been put on hold for a while. My strength training is just an overall body workout lasting about 40 minutes.

I have my first race coming up in about 5 days. It’s just a 5k, but it will help in seeing where I am at.

In good health,

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Going Up!

Things have gone in a positive direction this week. I had a solid 30 miles on the bike, some good runs and strength training. I got killed at my last PT session, lots of sprints and plyometrics.

I finally made my way out to the hills. I went a total of 6 miles at an 8:45 pace. I didn’t want to push too much considering it was my first time out. I climbed a total of 889 feet and descended a total of 882 feet. The ankle didn’t swell too bad. The following day the legs felt heavy.

I also ran 3.1 miles at a 7:29 pace. My ankle felt strong throughout the run.

Things are improving!!!

In good health,