Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Going Insane!

I ended my P90X phase 1 on a good note. I feel my strength coming back. Using the Bosu on alot of the shoulder and arm exercises really makes a difference. Not only are you building strength in the arms and shoulders, but you are really engaging the core. The other big change I made was on pull-ups. I started using a band that wraps around the bar and assists you by putting your knee in it. It cuts some of your body weight out of the exercise while still making them challenging. My reason for doing this? I wanted to really focus on good form. I was able to do a lot of pull-ups, but I was sacrificing form. Now, I could careless about the numbers and want to focus on slow and smooth movement. I actually used that philosophy for my push-ups as well. I wanted slow and smooth movement. Not so slow that you only get a few in before time is up.

I have now transitioned into my Insanity phase and after only a few days, I am impressed. The workouts are short, but the are also very tough. I have yet to get through one without having to take a break. I will give a full review once I complete week 1.

In Good Health,

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Back To The X

I am finally back into full swing of P90X workouts. Things have been progressing slowly and I am concentrating more on form than weight and numbers. I am also replacing some of the exercises with my own. Not a lot of them, just one or two here and there. As much as I like doing push ups, I miss pressing weight. So, I am adding some incline, decline and flat bench presses.

I am also using the Bosu when possible. I stand on it for 75% of the exercises during shoulders ad arms. I also have switched out a couple of the exercises and added preacher curls and shrugs.

Finally, I have also changed a few of the ab exercises. I added a couple of exercise ball moves, as well as decline ab work.

I have taken a solid 6 weeks off from anything triathlon related. I am allowing my ankle and shin splints to completely heal. When I come back, it is going to be slow. I will be starting this weekend with a 1.5 mile run.

I have another two weeks of P90X and then I will be swtiching over to Insanity for a few weeks. I am looking forward to seeing what that is about.

In good health,