Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Comeback

Well, it has been a long time since I have blogged. The new addition to the family is taking up a lot of time. There doesn't seem to be enough time in the day. That being said, starting 1/1/2011, I am going to try my best to post weekly.

What have I been up to?

I completed another round of P90X, dealt with a couple of small nagging injuries and crossed over into the Newton running.

What is on deck?

The past two weeks I have really focused on stretching, yoga and core. Next week, I will get back to some light training. Starting January 1st, I will begin preparing myself for another 70.3 Ironman. Hopefully I can leave out the 2 months of physical therapy that plagued me last season. Unfortunatly, I signed up for the 3-on-3 basketball tournament again.

Next weeks schedule:

Sun - Chest & Back w/Abs
Mon - Plyo X
Tues - Core & Stretching
Wed - Swim/Bike 30 minutes total
Thur - Shoulders & Arms w/Abs
Fri - Yoga X
Sat - 2 mile run